Published Magazine

One of the biggest projects I’ve done during my student years was creating a magazine and writing articles. Although it was a mini group school project worth only 25% of the course grade, our group decided to take it as a challenge and experience. Without any brand colors, fonts, and templates to start with, I had to start it off with a clean slate. I did some research by checking out the previous magazines and choosing colors and fonts. I was permitted to choose the color palette, fonts, and designs as well as taking pictures for the magazine, which inspired me to go beyond borders. I worked with my group who helped write the articles for the magazine. Every single detail was taken into account from which pictures to use for each article and the layouts. Being the 10th MetroBiz issue, it was imperative to feature Metropolia Business School as the front cover. Despite the challenges with gathering all the articles and last-minute changes, the outcome was beyond our expectations. After its completion, we were awarded a maximum grade for Managerial Communication course.

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